Buttigieg Warns of Airline Disruptions Amid Government Shutdown Threat

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has issued a warning about potential airline disruptions if Congress fails to pass funding bills or reach a short-term resolution before the looming government shutdown deadline. Buttigieg expressed concern that a shutdown would have severe repercussions, particularly in the transportation sector. He emphasized the critical need for air traffic control staffing at a time when the industry is striving to recover from disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Buttigieg pointed out that during a shutdown, air traffic controllers would not receive their paychecks, adding unnecessary stress to an already challenging job.

Moreover, Buttigieg highlighted that a government shutdown would worsen staffing issues in the transportation industry, slowing down workforce growth and the modernization of technology. He also mentioned that efforts to establish rules for passenger refunds in case of delays would come to a halt. Buttigieg called on Congress to uphold the debt deal reached earlier, which was a compromise involving Republican demands and Democratic priorities. He criticized some House Republicans for attempting to leverage the potential shutdown to push for deeper spending cuts, which could hinder crucial infrastructure projects and safety inspections. With the federal government's funding set to run out soon, the pressure is on Congress to find a solution to avert a shutdown.

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