Building Trust and Engagement in the 21st Century Marketing Landscape

In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, defining branded content has been a challenge, primarily due to the industry's constant changes. At Pressboard, we define branded content as media that a brand plays a role in creating, specifically for publication with premium publishers like NBCUniversal, USA Today, or Bustle. This collaborative approach allows brands to tap into the trust, expertise, and reach of these publishers, enabling them to connect with highly targeted audiences.

Branded content has come a long way from its early days as advertorials, with more publishers and advertisers embracing it. Whether you're a startup looking to disrupt an industry or a Fortune 500 company like IBM or JP Morgan Chase aiming to engage with new generations of customers, branded content has become the go-to strategy. It goes beyond traditional advertising, which consumers have grown weary of, with 25% using ad-blockers.

Moreover, branded content is a premium product, with prices ranging from $1,000 to $50,000 or more, depending on the campaign's scope. Teams are increasingly focused on proving its effectiveness, as it not only raises awareness but also drives traffic and revenue for brands. In today's marketing landscape, branded content is the way forward.

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Staying informed about the evolving marketing landscape, including the rise of branded content, can help the trucking, transportation, supply chain, and logistics industries ALL refine their marketing strategies, connect with their target audience more effectively, and ultimately drive business growth and success.


Listen… branded content might not be all it's hyped up to be. Sure, it's a hot topic in marketing, but is it really worth the price tag? First of all, defining what branded content even is has been a never-ending puzzle. The constant changes in the marketing world don't make it any easier. So, are we all just throwing money at something we can't quite grasp? Not to mention those premium prices. Branded content can cost a pretty penny, ranging from a thousand bucks to a small fortune. Is the return on investment really worth it, or are brands just getting caught up in the trend?

With a quarter of internet users blocking ads, it seems like the intended audience is trying to dodge marketing altogether.

While some swear by it, others might see branded content as a pricey gamble in the ever-shifting landscape of marketing. Maybe it's the way forward, or maybe it's just another shiny distraction.


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