Amazon's Marketplace E-Fraud Battle Costs $1.2 Billion

It has been revealed that retail giant Amazon has spent over $1 billion to combat fraud and fake products on its website. This effort has also led to the employment of over 15,000 new workers at Amazon, which is a positive development in the situation. Since its inception, Amazon has had to deal with fake products being listed and scams occurring on a daily basis. The new strategy to catch these scammers involves workers going online and identifying prices that seem too good to be true, such as a $500 tool being sold for $20.

Since the implementation of this strategy, the number of scammers attempting to sell fake products has decreased by millions. In 2020, there were 6 million attempted sales of fake products on the website, but that number has now decreased to less than 800,000. It appears that Amazon's efforts have paid off, as they have removed over 6 million scammers from their website and created a safer environment for shoppers to browse without worry.


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