New White House-led cybersecurity strategy could deeply benefit the nation’s supply chains

The Biden Administration announced its plans to expand the minimum cybersecurity requirements for critical industries with the goals of prevention - before cyberattacks can even begin. After a smattering of high-profile ransomeware attacks on critical infrastructure, the White House wants to get ahead of the curve.

Cyberattacks are a growing threat to American infrastructure, including sectors such as energy, healthcare, and finance. By increasing the minimum cybersecurity requirements for these sectors, they will be better equipped to protect themselves against cyber threats and attacks. Additionally, by strengthening cybersecurity measures, the government can better protect national security interests. Cyberattacks can result in significant economic damage, including loss of revenue, loss of customer trust, and expensive recovery efforts. Even more so… certain critical American sectors, such as healthcare and transportation, are essential to public safety. Cyberattacks against these sectors can put people's lives at risk. By increasing the minimum cybersecurity requirements for these sectors, the government can better ensure public safety.

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